We partner with the public sector, real estate owners, AEC firms, and communities to deliver holistic and pragmatic infrastructure.


Planning + Technical Assistance

Many communities face aging and degraded drinking water and stormwater infrastructure, coupled with constrained budgets and competing priorities.

Our planners empower clients to define and achieve their long-range water management vision by facilitating equitable, community-driven processes; building internal capacity; and securing the resources to progress from vision into action.


Engineering + Site Design

Regulators and capital providers are increasingly prioritizing more sustainable and resilient approaches to water management.

Our experienced civil engineers balance budget, site use and long-term maintenance capacity to meet or exceed those requirements.


Program Management

Increasingly utilities are turning toward holistic program models to scale environmental infrastructure, but many lack the staff capacity, real estate expertise, and financial tools to stand up a successful program efficiently.

We partner with clients and their communities to fully understand their goals, then leverage our team’s end-to-end project delivery expertise to build and manage a local team that represents the program values, is accountable to on-time and on-budget delivery, and delivers on our clients’ vision.


Community Activation

Community members are essential partners in water and urban greening infrastructure planning and development, yet many projects fail to build the buy-in that helps projects succeed for the long-term.

Our community organizers, coalition builders, and strategic communicators build capacity and passion for local, representative community members to take a leadership role in their infrastructure and maximize storytelling opportunities.



While green infrastructure is rapidly emerging as an essential solution to stormwater management, core challenges in funding, maintenance, workforce development, equity, and benefit-maximization need better solutions, and fast.

Our national thought leaders partner with industry groups, funders, public agencies, and community leaders to tackle some of the highest impact opportunities and thorniest challenges in the growing green infrastructure industry.


Sample Clients


Ready to get the most good out of green infrastructure? Reach out to Nicole Chavas, President + COO, to set up a call.